Volumetric FOg (Unity)

ThE FOG effect was created using a Texture sheet animation of a smoke simulation in Adobe after effects. I used soft Alpha blended particles for this effect. (as the textures can intersect with objects and floor and create unwanted intersection lines.)

Void and fire magic attacks (Unity)

This effect was created using hand-painted textures for all the 3 stages of the effect (Anticipation, climax and DISSIPATION).

Lightning Sword Effect (Unity)

This effects was created using trial material only with noise parameter turned on. Easy to use and apply it on any object.
(I do not take credit for the sword asset. It is a free asset on the Unity Store.)

simple Sparks (Unity)

A simple spark effect created in unity. i made my own additive particle SHADer (hdrp) using shader graph.

Magic Circle (Unreal)